Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Let's Talk About Sex, Baby!

Wow. This is really sad to me.

Girls having sex at that age is sad by itself. But having it unprotected and getting STDs and being afraid to tell the person they contracted it from? What is that about?


Anonymous said...

Codependency? Desperately being afraid to lose whatever male they can get in their lives because they don't feel complete without a partner? (Stemming from being Daddy hungry.)Teen aged terror about getting reputation as "unclean?" (A sexual reputation is fine, but a disease reputation is not.) There's no one answer that fits all, but these are some of the reasons I see with clients in this and similar circumstances. Remember, in the teenaged mind, there is only now, and there is only me. Their pre-frontal cortexes haven't grown back sufficiently to function otherwise yet, but these experiences help.

T.R. Locke said...

I appreciate your insights. My original post said a lot about my recent talk with my daughter about sex. My wife had talked to her a couple years ago, but wanted my daughter to hear it from a man too. It really helped to bring us closer as she knows I'm completely open and honest with her. But I have to admit it was difficult to see that bit of innocence lost. I erased that post, but that's why I named it as I did.

I think my point of posting this to blog is to discuss the need to talk more openly to our children about sex to prevent this. But is that the answer?

I told a therapist a few years back that I believed part of the reason I came to faith in Christ when I was 15 was to have a legitimate reason to not have sex because I was so terrified of getting a girl pregnant as my brother had done when he was only 15.

I argue with anti-abortionist about the need to erase the stigma of pregnancy to help decrease the abortion rate, but these girls want to get pregnant and be teen moms. It's like bizarro world.